Saturday, September 22, 2007

Don't Ask Too Many Questions, My Son...

(because I'll get confused and thus muddle the answers...)
Wicked men, you face...THENICK!

Greetings and welcome back to this ill-maintained and esoteric archive of my thoughts, recorded for all posterity (or at least until the account gets WIPED).

I have to admit that looking at the date-stamp on the last post makes me cringe andback off ever so's been a while, hasn't it? I have a good excuse! Well, I have a good excuse for a portion of the lapse. As the last post suggests, Cabaret was a pretty big thing. Turned out good, too! The show did indeed go on (as they say in the silent movies), and we didn't sink the company, and we got good reviews too!
DAMN THE NAY-SAYERS! IGNORE THE CYNICS! SCREW THE CRITICS! Well, except that one. SO yeah, was busy for a while. That excuse ran dry on about July 10. But I have a good new one.

I've been hiding from the Martians. True.
After a few of my previous posts, they seem to have actually twigged on to the fact that the human race (read: ME) is ready for them. They're everywhere. On the streets. On the television. On the moon. I've noticed them at my train station, pretending to read their newspapers (hint: us humans read them with the titles at the top), I've seen them at work. I had to lie low...I feared for my life.


And what has happened since then? A whole bunch, but nothing of much importance. In fact, it was only on musing over a recent news story that I realised my particular brand of stupidity has been in short supply when it comes to the internet. So I figured it was time to dust of the old Stupid Text 9mm, chamber a few rounds and see what kind of idiocy I hit. (don't ask about the gun analogy, I cannot explain at all - I'm listening to Jackson Browne for crying out loud!) But what can I speak of, you ask? Well, that's a very good question. As a long-time reader knows (and that goes for anyone who's ever seen this junk before), I ignore the big stories, I eschew the main-stream, I LIVE FOR THE LITTLE-KNOWN AND FABRICATED.

So the first thing I did was assess the impact this ranting has made on the internet. The first indication was the search results off googling for "Trouble Waiting To Happen". This implied I was less noticeable than spitting into a cyclone. So I did a search on the URL, thinking that if someone is talking of it, they're likely to link it...lo and behold..


Somehow, I was found due to my mentioning of Cesar Romero. You might remember him for looking like this. Now my interest was piqued -I wanted to know what they'd said about me, where I appeared in their list. I WANTED THE GLAMOUR AND FAME. But apparently there's none to be had, I couldn't even find myself in the full list. And so sadly I shuffle back to my crypt to come up with new schemes for world wide infamy. Got any suggestions?

Strictly no Martians.

Q: What do you see when you turn out the light? Daemons?
Song For The Day: "The Man Who Sold The World" by Nirvana (original by David Bowie)