Wednesday, August 20, 2008

When a problem comes along, you must... with it in a calm and mature manner. Devo are not to be trusted.

This is my first update in…well, a while. I do have a number of reasons for this, but I don’t know if I could really quantify any of them as “good”. The words “flimsy” and “poor” and “worthy of a script by Akiva Goldsman” are probably more apt. But I have reasons, nonetheless.

Following my sojourn to Europe, I returned to my brother’s base of operations in good ol’ London town. At this point I began filling out blog entries again, but having not the mind required to navigate the intricacies of the world-wide-wireless-web, and also wanting to see more of Uk, I neglected to post any. This neglect soon became habitual, and I found more and more of my entries were half-written, egocentric ambling passages discussing my philosophical musings on trivial matters and less travelogues of a more insightful nature


I am now hoping that my conception of what I was writing matches yours, otherwise I’ve just pointed out a failing that has been present since day one, and only now realised.

But you have to admit, that a hobby designed to peacefully recreate the strategy and tactics of military maneuvers is serving our masters of irony by casting the same effigy’s out of the metal of war (lead).

So we travelled around, we saw many interesting sights, and sighted many interests. I visited a personal mecca – an amazing museum of lead and acrylic (seriously beautiful stuff, but yes, extraordinarily geeky) We visited long lost family (not really long lost, we knew exactly where they were) and we saw more sights and sounds than the primitive Australian eyes and ears were built for. Still, no complaints.



Home now, back to work. I made a terrifying discovery just last week.

Recently becoming quite enamoured with the animated adventures of the metal band Dethklok, I have been watching their DVD, and listening to their album, The Dethalbum (note a trend?). Being quite familiar with both now, I was watching the intro to an episode, and noticed a distinct guitar solo missing. Initially I figured that, as is often the case, the version heard on the album was a more complex, mastered piece of music, that was both longer than that used in the show and more complete. I ignored it, thinking it was just my lack of knowledge when it comes to the creation of a tv show soundtrack…then I happened to watch the DVD on another setup and my world stopped.

I’ve been living a life of movies, tv and video games, in which I’ve experienced is one channel of sound. The guitar solo was missing, but not because they had altered the recording – my TV isn’t playing it at all!!! I feel almost like I’ve had some kind of grotesque contraption of punishing metal and stifling cotton wool attached to my left ear for the last three years. An unfortunate fate that has left me with the inability to hear sonics in the higher registers, and a crooked neck that forces me to constantly correct myself with a rightward veer.

Almost. It’s definitely the TV’s fault.

Oh, I also rediscovered an old and ill-kept blog of mine that I began more than a few years ago…it’s tremendously insightful reading, and I’d encourage you all to STEER WELL CLEAR OF IT.

No really. Like being able to take a step back and marvel at your finished work, I’ve now gained a glimpse into what people mean when they use the words “Nick” “barking mad” and “worthy of a script by Akiva Goldsman” in the same sentence.


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