Friday, November 13, 2009

You know what time it is?

No really - if you do, please share this information. I wouldn't ask a question I know the answer to.


The philosophy of The Nick.

My life has taken a turn for the enlightened. I am now more tolerant of fellow drivers, knowing that when they are reincarnated, they will come back as Volvo's. Not Volvo drivers. Volvo's.

And so they damn well should.

I have also been privy to a wonder of nature. One that defies the explanations of the Science, and the Who Weekly alike. I am talking of the phenomena surrounding beverage containers that are feeling emotions. But see, the phenomena has extended beyond feeling - for what good is feeling, if you do not express it? If you do not revel in it? You do not use it to fuel your next acts of public property destruction???

Imagine you awoke one day, and found yourself thinking.

No, this isn't a snide remark on you being a bunch of happy drones (you are, by the way), but rather you found yourself thinking for the first time. These initial thoughts would likely be preoccupied with their own existence, but then you'd start to think about your place in the world - what do you do, who are you, and in many cases this would be a wondrous experience and your personality would start to be expressed.

But what if you found your only role was to hold liquid for someone else's consumption? I make an assumption now. I assume, that you would be annoyed.

This annoyance would become frustration at your post in life.

The frustration would taint you every liquid holding act.

This taint would colour your world red as the futility dawns on you.

This dawning would make you ANGRY.

Llamas and Geniuses, I present for your (deep and insightful) consideration:

The Angry Cup

Q: If a plane crashes on the border of NSW and VIC, where do you bury the survivors? A Trick question, but whilst in QLD we found a cemetery that straddled the NSW/QLD border.

Song for the day: "Road Trip", by Kind Of Pluto


Jon said...

there's something almost reverse-kafka-esque about that (akfesque?)

All heil ein wutendcuppenfuhrer!!

thenick said...
