Sunday, December 3, 2006

The Nick Vs. The Technology

(this was yesterday's post - I completely forgot my login details)

In my previous occupation (or past life, depending on just how cynical you are) I had a reputation when it came to any object with:

a) electronic components
b) moving parts
c) an aspect to it that can only be described as fragile.
d) all the above.

This was a skill that kept me from interacting with the computer, phone, power tools and even customers. Still, after a while my related ability to have a fairly good idea on how to repair such damage was utilised and I became a self-employed McGyver who creating bad situations that need ingenuity to be escaped. But still, whenever a new device, or a highly prized gadget was gingerly handed into my well-practiced control, there was a look of concern coupled with nervous terror in the giver's eyes.

They labelled this bizarre talent, "The Machine Curse." I called it incredibly specific bad luck.

Years have since passed, and the Machine Curse became a distant memory of sheepish explanations, inexplicable combustions and left-over screws. Like Halle Berry's "Catwoman", it became a memory that while discomforting, was easily pushed aside and not considered any further. Then my current employer decided it was time to up the amount of technology I had access to - I was provisioned a laptop.

As is virgin blood to an unholy and ever-grinning daemonic critter, so was this new addition to my utility back-pack to the slumbering Curse. (I can see why Batman uses a utility belt - far snappier than "back-pack")

No more than 48 hours later, I was working on my third laptop, two profiles have had to be re-set, a mouse (peripheral, not pet) rolled over and died, and IT has put my name on top of the list of “IT’s Most (Un)Wanted Users”.

Someone pointed out a mythological connection that may be present, and may explain my abilities to destroy electronics on touch…In the deep, dark histories of China (they had a few histories) there are stories of a god of thunder and lightning…a being known as RAIDEN! Maybe, I am channeling his power? Maybe I am destined for god-hood with a funny hat? (ref: "Mortal Kombat")
Either way, this is far preferable to his brother, who was the god of thunder and lighting.

(Although that guy did make awesome entrances…)

So yes. It appears that no matter how far you go, or what you make of yourself, deep down, your primal nature is still with you, lurking in the deep foliage of your mind, waiting for the innocent gazelle of civilized mindset to expose it's flank...

Deep down, I'm a menace to civilization - It's good to know where you stand.

Q: Coke or Pepsi? Coke, you freaking heathen
Song Of The Day: "First Gear" by The Rapture

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too have been afflicted by a similar predicament. I get THE WORST static shocks from cars. I now have a habit of closing doors by their windows, and i refuse to reopen a door after i have shut it, after a drive. It's awful and i hate it. And i break technological things too.

- A

p.s. Nice Batman cudos